Partnership in Practice: Relationship and Sex Therapy, Psychotherapy, and Medication Management
About Sex Therapy Treatment
The Partnership In Practice sex therapy treatment approach platform is focused on sexual well-being, pleasure, and desire, in contrast to the traditional focus on sexual dysfunction. Clients can choose to participate individualy or as a couple. Typically a couple is seen together for the initial session, followed by each of the partners being seen individually.
Over the course of initial sessions, a thorough understanding is developed about the problems and goals bringing an individual or couple to treatment. If deemed appropriate, information may be obtained from a referring medical provider, and lab work (if necessary) reviewed. Once the relevant issues have been clearly identified, a treatment plan is collaboratively developed. In addition to talk therapy, sex therapy may involve work to be done in the privacy of one's own home between scheduled sessions.
In many cases treatment for sexual difficulties is done using a short term problem-oriented treatment format. Treatment for couples is focused on the interaction between the couple’s relationship and their sexual issues. Some sexual problems present with other long-standing relationship issues and may take more time to address.
Gail F. Canavan, DNP, RN, APN, C
234 Madison Avenue
Wyckoff, NJ 07481
Phone/fax: 201-337-6226